What is a Claw Toe?

What is claw toe?
Claw toe is a condition in which your toes bend into a claw-like position. Claw toe can appear from birth, or your feet can end up being bent later on. It’s normally not a serious problem but may develop into a painful problem eventually. It can also be a sign of an underlying medical condition and is often seen in diabetes or conditions that cause paralysis.
If you think you may have claw toe, make an appointment with your Dr. Cruz at his Brandon or Zephyrhills office. To avoid clawfoot from getting worse, it is very important to get an early medical diagnosis and treatment.
What causes Claw Toe?
The main cause of claw toe is wearing high heels or shoes that do not fit correctly. Tight shoes can crowd your toes, forcing them into a bent position. After a while, the muscles tighten and shorten. Pretty soon you can’t align your toe and they pull back into a claw-like position.
You may be most likely to get these problems because of your genes. For instance, your risk goes up if you have a particular foot shape such as a high arch or a long second toe. Some diseases, such as arthritis and diabetes, can also result in this condition.
To deal with claw foot, your doctor may advise a mix of medical treatments and home care.
This Brandon Podiatrist can help you with claw toe
If your toes are still flexible, Dr. Cruz may tape them or ask you to use a splint to keep them in the ideal position. They may teach you how to perform home care exercises to keep your toes flexibility. They may also advise you to use specific kinds of shoes while recommending avoiding others. There are also simple tendon release procedures that can be performed comfortably in the office to resolve the problem.
If these treatments don’t help or your toes have actually become too stiff, Dr. Cruz might suggest surgery. The surgery can shorten the bone at the base of your toe, offering your toe more space to straighten.
How can you get relief at home?
If your toes are still flexible, performing regular exercises might assist and reduce your symptoms and help the toes from getting worse. For example, your physician might encourage you to move your toes toward their natural position, using your hands. Picking up objects with your toes may also assist.
Using shoes with lots of space can help alleviate discomfort. Don’t use shoes that are too tight or shoes with high heels. If your toes end up being more rigid, try to find shoes that have added depth in the toe area. You can also use a special pad to help take the pressure off the ball of your foot.
Brandon Podiatrist Jairo Cruz can help
Your foot health is important to Dr. Cruz, so he will give you any advice he can so that you can live pain-free. Dr. Cruz is a board-certified podiatrist who has been practicing in the Tampa Bay area for many years. You can get in touch with him at his Zephyrhills office by calling (813) 782-3233 or at his Brandon office by calling (813) 502-5904
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