Discolored, Black and Blue toenails

At the Gentle Foot Care Clinic in Brandon fl and in Zephyrhills fl, Dr. Rajnish Manohar, DPM, PA sees patients with a variety of conditions. People who are diabetic are at higher risk than normal people for conditions like nail infection, and there’s one type of nail infection that you should be aware of. This is if your toenail turns black or blue.
Discolored, Black-And-Blue toenails
A black-and-blue nail is usually caused by sudden or repetitive injury to a toe. This might occur during sports that involve running or stopping quickly. The injury may also result from a heavy object falling on a toe. If your toe is black and blue but not injured, see Dr. Rajnish Manohar immediately.
The big toe is most often affected. Bruised, broken blood vessels cause the black-and-blue colors under the nail. If the condition is the result of a sudden injury, pain may be severe.
Dr. Rajnish Manohar will talk with you about your symptoms and physical activities. He may palpate (press) the area at the end of the toe to determine the extent of pain. Your toe and foot are examined for any signs of infection. If a fracture or a bone spur is suspected, x-rays may be needed. If small black spots are present under the nail, other problems may need to be ruled out.
If the pain is severe, the nail may be removed, or a hole may be drilled in the nail to allow drainage, which relieves the pressure. A local anesthetic may be used. Pain may also be relieved with prescription anti inflammatory medications, or by soaking or icing the area. If pain is not severe, you may not need treatment. The nail can be thinned or left alone to fall off. A new nail should grow back in to replace it.
After toenail removal
Prevent Nail Problems
Many nail problems can be prevented by wearing the right shoes and trimming your nails properly. To help avoid infection, keep your feet clean and dry. If you have diabetes, talk with Dr. Rajnish Manohar before doing any foot self-care.
Proper trimming is important. To avoid problems, trim your toenails straight across without cutting down into the corners. If you can’t trim your own nails, ask Dr. Rajnish Manohar to do so for you.
Wear correct fitting shoes
Get your feet measured (your size may change as you age.) Wear shoes that are supportive and roomy enough for your toes to wiggle. Look for shoes made of natural materials such as leather, which will allow your feet to breathe.
If you are exhibiting some of the symptoms above and would like to get checked out, please contact Dr. Rajnish Manohar at his Brandon fl office (813) 502-5904. Alternately, you can submit a request by clicking the button below to schedule an appointment.
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