Is Your Foot Pain Caused by Your Sesamoid?

Podiatrists see many different issues throughout the day. They all have varying levels of pain and discomfort that can be alleviated by addressing either a medical or lifestyle change. At the base of your big toe joint is the sesamoid. When the sesamoid is inflamed, podiatrists refer to it as sesamoiditis.
What Is a Sesamoid?
Your tendons are attached to a sesamoid bone. Several joints in the body contain sesamoid bones. The sesamoids of the foot are below the big toe joint, which are 2 pea-shaped bones.
Acting as a guide for the tendons, the sesamoids assist the big toe movement when the big toe pushes off during walking and running. They allow for a stronger push off to help you propel forward. The sesamoids also act as a weight-bearing surface area for the first or largest metatarsal bone (the long bone connected to the big toe), absorbing the shock by the weight placed on the ball of the foot when walking, running and leaping.
Sesamoid injuries can involve the bones, tendons and/or surrounding tissue in the joint. Sports activities put pressure on the ball of the foot, such as running, basketball, football, soccer, golf, tennis, and ballet. In addition, individuals with high arches are at risk of getting sesamoid problems. Frequent use of high-heeled shoes can also be a contributing factor.
Symptoms of a Sesamoid Problems
Sesamoid issues are normally better understood when your podiatrist takes a thorough history and a complete examination. The most common symptoms consist of:
- Discomfort while putting weight on the foot
- Pain with pressure while pushing directly on the sesamoid bones
- Pulling the big toe upwards causes pain (dorsiflexion of the big toe).
- Other conditions that can have similar symptoms include hallux rigidus (big toe joint arthritis), fractures and gout.
The diagnosis can be verified with imaging tests, such as an x-ray. However, sometimes the little sesamoid bones are challenging to sufficiently visualize on an x-ray test, and therefore other tests may also be considered. The most typically utilized test is an MRI study, but bone scans can also be effective to find problems with the sesamoid bone.
The treatment of sesamoiditis starts with changing shoes. Increasing the cushioning within your shoes can help ease pressure on the affected sesamoid. Particular inserts or custom orthotics shift abnormal pressure away from the swollen bones and surrounding injured soft tissue. Other treatments consist of cortisone injections, rest, avoiding activities that aggravate the bone, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications and ice application to the painful area.
In the unusual circumstance that footwear modifications and rest are inadequate to eliminate the pain, there are surgical treatment alternatives. Nevertheless, these surgeries must be approached carefully after exhausting all conservative treatment options. Alternative and Regenerative medicine treatments are also excellent options so that you can avoid surgery.
Recovery from a sesamoid injury can take months and is often a frustrating experience. Athletes may need an extended period of limited or non-weight-bearing or movement, and typically healing and return to full sports activities can take 3 to 6 months.
If you would like to get a foot pain diagnosis and relief from sesamoiditis, you can visit Gentle Foot Care Clinic and see, Jairo Cruz DPM. Dr. Cruz is an ethical, compassionate, Board-certified Podiatrist in Tampa that has helped thousands of patients suffering from foot pain and related issues. Contact his Brandon office at (813) 502-5904 or his Zephyrhills office at (813) 782-3233 today for an appointment.
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